Table of Contents

Our Club Vision

An organization of professionally licensed coaches operating to improve player development, creating a learning environment where youth players can prepare to succeed in life in a club consistently competing at the National level providing pathways to college as well as professional opportunities.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL our wonderful members! We hope that you all were able to get some well-deserved down time, staying healthy in the process, and enjoying the Holidays!!

We are back to training and competition! Some teams are already participating in early ECRL Showcases, and some teams are playing in local and regional tournaments! Best of luck to ALL our teams for the remainder of the spring season!!


Club training will continue. Middle school age teams will continue to train per regular team training. High school players advancing to the play-offs, BEST OF LUCK!!


Please make sure players are dressed appropriately for the cooler weather. Players are expected to always wear their training gear. GRAY SHIRT/BLACK SHORTS/BLACK SOCKS with shin pads (Mandatory) No shin pads NO TRAINING! Players are permitted to wear NON-CLUB SWEATERS, but these sweaters NEED TO BE worn under their training gear. NO OTHER CLUB GEAR IS PERMITTED AT TRAINING! Other clubs don’t allow it, why should we?


A gentle reminder to always remain professional. Please DO NOT coach from the sidelines. Coaches have been instructed to sub players out for families that coach from the side. If the parent has an issue with that a meeting with the club DOC and GM needs to be scheduled.


Please adhere to our training ground protocol. Recently we’ve had ‘pods’ of parents working their way back alongside their team training fields. We will resend the field layout with the parent zone via SPOND so you can familiarize yourself with the ‘Zone’. Thank you again as always for your continued support!!


This seems to be one of the concerns raised the most.
Playing time is earned! Yes, within the Player development model we do try our best to get players as much playing time as possible BUT decisions impacting playing time but not limited to:

  • Players with poor attitudes
  • Players who constantly disrespect their coach, their own teammates, referees, opponents, and opponents’ coach.
  • Players not willing to work hard irrespective of their talents, positions etc
  • Commitment to the team, club, and extra training
  • Parents constantly coaching from the parents’ sideline.
  • Parents behaviors on the sideline
  • Number of yellow cards
  • Red cards received.


A gentle reminder to please make sure your player accounts are up to date. Late dues are simply sometimes because cards have been changed and not updated. Please go in and update your account. Any player dues that are a month late or later means player cards will be pulled until the accounts are brought up to date. Any questions to please contact Neathan Gibson – BRSC GM


Some ages have had some wonderful success with developing players back and forth. Some healthy movements that haven’t only had players move from A to B teams but players moving up and staying up given their growth as of late. Something you can’t predict at tryouts. With time this “MODEL” will have the right players playing where they need to be. Some ages have had less movement. Please be patient with the staff and player development. These two factors will allow for the proper movement.


While the club is making positive changes to the Player Development model, the below needs to be followed regarding any/all player movement/s: 

  1. The identified player/s need their coach’s approval to participate up or down. 
  2. This approval needs an evaluation shared with the player, so they know why they are being moved.
  3. This discussion needs to be had, agreed upon and approved between the two team head coaches not team managers and/or parents.
  4. The Club DOC needs to be made aware of any decisions made. 
  5. The Club Administrator needs to be made aware in case players need to be added to the roster prior to the weekend’s game.
  6. Once all boxes above are checked the player needs to then train first before being rostered for the weekend. Min training requirement is 1 day. Preferably all week if only playing for the new team he/she is added to.
  7. In some cases, if this is not possible if the player is not able to train prior to the weekend, DOC approval is needed (mandatory) to support the move without training.

Player Attributes needed to earn the opportunity to play up.

  • Technically sound
  • Tactically smart
  • Athletic and hardworking (this is non-negotiable). Cannot add lazy players no matter how good they may be!
  • Mentally strong and able to take in information to impact the game.
  • Players must have a good attitude. Must be a good teammate and put the Club first and play for the club and team before herself/himself.
  • Good players with excuses won’t be promoted. Good players must also put in extra work to maintain their level. Average players putting in extra work and showing improvement will be given the opportunity to play up!


We have discontinued our Cappelli contract. We’re proud to announce that we’ll be switching to Adidas and having Adidas as our new uniform, fan gear, and equipment supplier moving forward!

Please continue to play in your Cappelli gear for the Spring. Know that we are busy with Adidas working on the design of our future game gear. The recreational gear, our competitive training gear and fan/Spirit wear has been ordered and posted on a website for you to get into our new club Fan wear!!! HERE IS THE LINK TO ORDER FAN GEAR:

Please don’t miss out and get your 25th Anniversary special addition Jersey to celebrate our clubs 25th Year Anniversary celebration!!

Please note:

Mandatory Items:


Training jersey, training shorts, training socks


2 Game Jerseys (White and Dark color), Game shorts, Game socks

Optional Items (to be made mandatory 25/26):

BRSC Track suite top, track suite bottoms.

BRSC Backpack


As we continue to grow and expand on improving BRSC toward a more serious and professional club we need to start looking the part as well. Nowhere in the country does any well-run professional club allow their top teams to wear anything unrelated to that club. Players HAVE TO purchase every item to participate at that ‘next‘ level. We pride ourselves in our values and professionalism that looking professional is half the battle won on game day! BRSC players and teams will need to look like one club moving forward that we are willing to work with our membership and give them time to adjust to the changes being made that the track suit options will be optional going into next season but will then be a mandatory item to purchase. If we are going to buy warm gear for the wintertime why not purchase your club track suite which in all honesty is cheaper than some items bought. Sponsorships and fundraising programs can be organized to help offset costs for those who cannot afford such items. Pulling together and working as one family to help our family members is vital to our clubs success on and off the field!


It is that time of the year where clubs gear up in preparations for the 24/25 playing season. BRSC Staff continue to identify players for each level of play. Please keep in mind every player develops at a different rate to their mate/s. Please do not get hurt if your player has to play down. Please know with hard work and extra training at home they can earn their top spot again! Players will be given early registrations bids. What is an early registration bids? This is an offer for you as a player/family to accept your position prior to tryouts for your current team. Do we have to accept the early registration bid? No, you do not have to accept it. All you need to know is that bid will then be offered to the next player on the Coaches 24/25 roster. Can we wait until tryouts to decide? Yes, you can wait until tryouts to make your decision. What is the purpose of the early registration? There are many positive reasons for this. Players accept their positions, heading into tryouts relaxed, stress free eliminating the anxiety of whether they will be selected or not!  It helps the coach identify the positions needed heading into tryouts. The players who have accepted their early bids WILL NEED TO ATTEND tryouts, so the coach has numbers to evaluate the trialists against. This gives the incoming players an opportunity to compete against the selected players for a spot on a highly competitive squad!

The biggest plus – we MUST continue our path of professionalism working toward identifying the best of the best for the ECNL level of play. We will always have all levels for every type/level of player but changing the culture toward a more professional environment WE HAVE TO Identify the better players as early as possible, working with these identified players everyday putting them to the test of performance and commitment! Performance – the ability to play at the level the player/s desire.

Commitment – learning to make sacrifices knowing there is a team that depends on the bid you accepted. Knowing they trust you will be there from day one to the very end!

Our BIG PICTURE – Life lessons paralleled with player development getting the players ready for the real world!


BRSC would like to thank ALL our generous sponsors for their support through the years and especially to you who continue to support our club – THANK YOU!

If anyone is still interested in sponsoring the club and having your company logo printed on the game and/or training gear to please email Neathan Gibson – BRSC GM at and/or


We are looking to clean our concessions to be able to open and sell dry food and hot/cold drinks! We need volunteers to help us with this. A schedule will be shared soon to give everyone an opportunity to help us “Open” our concessions! This will allow each team the opportunity to schedule and run the concessions to raise $$ for their team and club.



January 8th – April 30th LEAGUE/REC Season

APRIL 1st – Early Pre-Registrations



Please keep up the wonderful work as the funds raised have been very helpful to all families and to ALL teams – THANK YOU!


Thank you for your commitment and sacrifices!! There is a lot that you do behind the scenes that doesn’t get recognized. THANK YOU for everything you do for us all!!

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