Table of Contents
Our Club Vision
We are excited to work with such a great program and have it added to our club as an introductory program to soccer targeting ages 2-8years old. This program will run Friday nights starting December 1st and ending January 26th
HF Curriculum
We use familiar songs, stories, nursery rhymes and fun games to introduce soccer to children as young as two years old. Our unique curriculum triggers your child’s imagination by taking their soccer ball, Bob the Bobcat, on adventures to the zoo, the movies, and even an enchanted castle! Our philosophy and curriculum encourages children to tame their bobcat with their learned deceptive dribbling and ball striking skills. We leverage creative play and the important developmental skills it provides to make fitness and soccer their favorite weekly activity! By progressing through our age-appropriate curriculum your little one is ensured to have built a solid foundation we hope will lead to a lifelong involvement in sports and fitness and hopefully soccer! With an approach designed to support our little soccer stars in classroom learning we will introduce the foundational skills of soccer along with more complex deceptive dribbling and ball striking skills of soccer giving your little soccer star a sport specific head start in the world’smost popular game!
More Info about curriculum: Register Here: SCHOOL SOCCER
Club training will continue. Middle school age teams will continue to train per regular team training.
High school players playing school soccer – BEST OF LUCK!!
BRSC HS training schedule will run:
DATE: Nov 13th & 15th week ending Dec 18th & 20th
DAYS: Monday and Wednesdays
TIME: 7:30-8:30pm
FIELD: LWRP #6 and #2 (if field change, we will let you know)
What to expect?
Our four A-Licensed staff will be the lead staff every Monday & Wednesday. This will be for both the Girls and the Boys. Each lead staff will have a club staff alongside them helping with training. The club staff will be different from one week to the next unless conflicts arise…but please expect at least the lead staff coach being the same for every Monday or Wednesday. Please know for those players playing MS and HS soccer that this training is not mandatory. Players NOT playing MS/HS soccer are expected to attend all trainings as normal. E.g if your team trains M/T/Th you are expected to attend M/T/Th and not Wednesday. Our staff is expected to attend players or no players. Even if there is one player, our staff is expected to run that player through at least a 45-60min session!
Please make sure players are dressed appropriately for the cooler weather. Players are expected to always wear their training gear. GRAY SHIRT/BLACK SHORTS/BLACK SOCKS with shin pads (Mandatory) No shin pads NO TRAINING! Players are permitted to wear NON-CLUB SWEATERS, but these sweaters NEED TO BE worn under their training gear. NO OTHER CLUB GEAR IS PERMITTED AT TRAINING! Other clubs don’t allow it, why should we?
A gentle reminder to always remain professional. Please DO NOT coach from the sidelines. Coaches have been instructed to sub players out of families who coach from the side. If the parent has an issue with that a meeting with the club DOC and GM needs to be scheduled.
Thank you very much for sticking to our training ground protocol. However, as of late we have had ‘pods’ of parents working their way back alongside their team training fields. We will resend the field layout with the parent zone via SPOND so you can familiarize yourself with the ‘Zone’. Thank you again as always for your continued support!!
This seems to be one of the concerns raised the most.
Playing time is earned! Yes, within the Player development model we do try our best to get players as much playing time as possible BUT decisions impacting playing time but not limited to:
- Players with poor attitudes
- Players who constantly disrespect their coach, their own teammates, referees, opponents, and opponents’ coach.
- Players not willing to work hard irrespective of their talents, positions etc
- Commitment to the team, club, and extra training
- Parents constantly coaching from the parents’ sideline.
- Parents behaviors on the sideline
- Number of yellow cards
- Red cards received.
A gentle reminder to please make sure your player accounts are up to date. Late dues are simply sometimes because cards have been changed and not updated. Please go in and update your account. Any player dues that are a month late or later means player cards will be pulled until the accounts are brought up to date. Any questions to please contact Neathan Gibson – BRSC GM
Some ages have had some wonderful success with developing players back and forth. Some healthy movements that haven’t only had players move from A to B teams but players moving up and staying up given their growth as of late. Something you don’t always know at tryouts. With time this “MODEL” will have the right players playing where they need to be. Some ages have had less movement. Please be patient with the staff and player development. These two factors will allow for the proper movement.
While the club is making positive changes to the Player Development model, the below needs to be followed regarding any/all player movement/s:
- The identified player/s need their coach’s approval to participate up or down.
- This approval needs an evaluation shared with the player, so they know why they are being moved.
- This discussion needs to be had, agreed upon and approved between the two team head coaches not team managers and/or parents.
- The Club DOC needs to be made aware of any decisions made.
- The Club Administrator needs to be made aware in case players need to be added to the roster prior to the weekend’s game.
- Once all boxes above are checked the player needs to then train first before being rostered for the weekend. Min training requirement is 1 day. Preferably all week if only playing for the new team he/she is added to.
- In some cases, if this is not possible if the player is not able to train prior to the weekend, DOC approval is needed (mandatory) to support the move without training.
Player Attributes needed to earn the opportunity to play up.
- Technically sound
- Tactically smart
- Athletic and hardworking (this is non-negotiable). Cannot add lazy players no matter how good they may be!
- Mentally strong and able to take in information to impact the game.
- Players must have a good attitude. Must be a good teammate, and put the Club first and play for the club and team before herself/himself.
- Good players with excuses won’t be promoted. Good players have to also put in extra work to maintain their level. Average players putting in extra work and showing improvement will be given the opportunity to play up!
Safety is our priority! Please know we share the same feelings and concerns for the shape our fields are in. No excuses but without a healthy supply of water nothing will stay in good shape if there is constant use of our fields.
We have had many conversations and meetings with the county regarding the overuse and state of our fields at LWRP. The county understands and is supporting us. They’ve agreed to (1) Speed up agenda items to improve our water supply (2) Have more sod laid down in the badly worn areas (3) Improve the lighting with new LED bulbs to get field 7 & 8 lite asap (4) Install artificial turf to share the overuse/load between soccer and football. We know these items don’t just happen over-night but we ask for your continued patience and support for us as we work with the county and the county works with us!
Winter Christmas Camps schedule below but will be posted again on our website. Please sign up to secure your spot. Our year-round camps are designed to teach our clubs methodology using our very own Club Staff allowing not just our BRSC players but also the community an opportunity to get to know our staff, and to get a feel for our club, and for our staff to evaluate your game and share improvements to better your development.
Winter camps dates:
December 27-29
U9-u15 Boys and Girls
January 3-5th
U9-u15 Boys and Girls
December 27-29
U8-u18 Boys and Girls (2016 – 2006 Birth year)
January 3-5th
U8-u18 Boys and Girls (2016 – 2006 Birth year)
BRSC would like to thank ALL our generous sponsors for their support through the years and especially to you who continue to support our club – THANK YOU!
If anyone is still interested in sponsoring the club and having your company logo printed on the game and/or training gear to please email Neathan Gibson – BRSC GM at and/or
We are looking to clean our concessions to be able to open and sell food and drinks! We need volunteers to help us with this. A schedule will be shared soon to give everyone an opportunity to help us “Open” our concessions! This will allow each team the opportunity to schedule and run the concessions to raise $$ for their team and club.
May 18th – July 17th OFF RAGE SUMMER CAMPS
August 1st PRE-SEASON 2011-2005/06 (ELITE & PREMIER Boys and Girls)
August 21st PRE-SEASON 2016-2012 (ACADEMY and PRE-ECRL Boys and Girls)
August 1st – December LEAGUE/REC Season
December 27-29th CHRISTMAS CAMP
January 8th – April 30th LEAGUE/REC Season
Please keep up the wonderful work as the funds raised have been very helpful to all families and to ALL teams – THANK YOU!
Thank you for your commitment and sacrifices!! There is a lot that you do behind the scenes that doesn’t get recognized. THANK YOU for everything you do for us all!!

Again, thank you all for your continued support! We are already excited for the coming season and future seasons ahead as we work to continually improve our RAGE standards!